If both reach 300 in the same hand, highest point count wins the entire game. Every overtrick counts for a point, but ten overpoints throughout the game counts for -100 points, so be careful!ĭeal and play another hand until one of the team reaches 300 points. 10 points subtracted for each trick bid if they do not. 10 points for each trick bid, if the team reaches their bid number. After the cards are all played, points are tallied. Play these tricks out until the hand is finished. If spades are present, highest Spade wins. Highest card of the beginning suit when no spades are played, wins. Playing a Spade will trump the beginning suit. When no moves are available, you can play a bomb to let a. The objective is to pair identical tiles that are next to each other in a horizontal or vertical manner, and clear the entire layout. This war-themed game is also known as the ‘Tiles of the Unexpected’. All other players must follow with that suit unless they do not have that suit in hand, upon which they can play any other suit. War Mahjong is inspired from both Mahjong Connect and Match 3. Start each trick with a suit of the first players choosing. Combine that number with your partner and that is how many you much reach during that 4th of July Spades hand. Initially bid each deal on how many tricks you think you can take. Use seasonal and flower mahjong tiles shown below to make this process of matching easier, as these tiles can be matched to any in their group.Celebrate our independence by playing a game or two of 4th of July Spades! This classic spades games is an overall favorite for American Spades players as it offers the amazing play of classic spades with the fun of 4th of July imagery!Ĭompete in teams a hand at a time while playing 4th of July Spades. If you click on a tile unable to be matched, you will see the mahjong board gray out and you can visually identify which tiles can and cannot be matched at any given time. Match all the mahjong tiles that in their current state have a full vertical side open. These pairs will then disappear from the majong board for the rest of the game. However, do at least one thing this Memorial Day weekend and that is remember, and give thanks for the soldiers who have made the travel, grilling out and family outings possible. We should give thanks for all serving in our military, honor and pray for them.

Make time this weekend to reflect on those who sacrificed so much for us. Take a moment and visit the grave of someone who died representing our country. This special day is not the only time we should remember them but the holiday underscores the importance of having a time to revere and respect people who are sacred to our country. If you are playing any games outside this weekend, send me some photos and I will post them.